Helping you live aFulfilled Life
We are dedicated to improving the lives of adults with a disability through a collaborative approach to service provision. Our central aim is to promote the inclusion of participants in the full range of social, recreational and economic activities within our community, and assist participants achieve the dignity that comes from the fulfilment of valued roles.

WHAT CANFOCAS do for you?
We are dedicated to improving the lives of adults with a disability through a collaborative approach to service provision.
Direct Support
One to one support to help you learn the life skills you need to achieve your goals and build independence.
Learn moreSupport Coordination
Assisting you to build the skills to understand, implement and use your NDIS plan.
Learn moreFOCASStories
Laurie's Story
Karyn's story
Matt’s story
Mac’s story
Jodee’s Story
Adam’s Story
We would like you to consider some important things about being a part of the FOCAS team.