Our Vision

Our vision is for a society in which people with a disability are included in the richness and diversity of Australian life.

Our Mission

Our mission is to walk alongside people with a disability, helping them confidently to meet, and independently to overcome, the barriers which prevent their participation in a full, meaningful and valued life.

Our Philosophy

As an organisation, FOCAS Shoalhaven Incorporated embraces a humanist philosophy dedicated to the development of all members of society equally.

  • We actively promote our participants’ engagement in a meaningful and fulfilling life in accordance with the principles of Social Role Valorisation, which seeks to maximise participation in socially valued roles and achieve the self-respect, community respect and dignity that comes from those roles.
  • We recognise the right of all people to self-determination and support the pursuit of the personal goals to which each individual participant aspires. We embrace a flexible, individually tailored approach in direct response to those goals.
  • We acknowledge and respect the central role of each participant’s family members, and others who are close to them, and welcome their involvement in service planning and coordination.
  • We are committed to providing a service of the highest quality to our participants.
  • We are committed to the professional development of our staff, enabling them to provide innovative, creative and person-centred support, while maintaining a safe and healthy work environment.
  • We engage continually in the review of our practices and encourage feedback from all relevant stakeholders on how improvement might best be achieved.

To learn more about Social Role Valorisation:

The International SRV Association

Australian SRV Association (ASRVA) 

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